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Friday, November 22, 2013

Week 12

We made it through another successful week in PE! Great job Falcons! Our days are going faster and the students are really getting into the routine of things. They are even coming up to me and reminding me of things when we are out of routine. It is great to have so many helpers! Next week will be a short week, so we will have some fun activities for each grade! 


We really worked on our shooting this week. The students really enjoyed playing "clean your backyard" and "hoop points". We did a fun fitness games called "poison" this week that the students really enjoyed. We talked a little about poison (cleaning supplies) and how they are bad for the body. The students got to shuffle around the gym with a hula-hoop, trying to tag other as they shuffled too. Thank you for taking the time to help them with their basketball skills over the past couple of weeks. Many are improving and doing a wonderful job. 

Things you can do/ask your child(ren) this weekend:

  • What are the cues to shooting a basketball?

  • How do you get the basketball to go really high? What cue do you have to change?

  • Let your child(ren) show you their shot at the neighborhood park. 


This week we worked on some of the rules to volleyball. We learned who serves the ball, how the team rotates, and that you can play a ball off the net. All the students had the chance to serve a number of times, as well as play in the modified games. They would get really excited when they had a good serve that made it over the net! We also introduced the "dig". Many of the students would not go for the ball when it was low. They would just catch it and we would have to start over. Once I explained what a dig was, all the students started going for the ball all the time. It was great!

Things you can do/ask with your child(ren) this weekend:

  • Who serves the ball in volleyball?

  • How do you rotate positions?

  • Watch your child(ren) perform a "dig" when going for a low ball? Please make sure you are in the correct space to do this :)


We ended our volleyball unit with a volleyball tournament. Each class created their own even teams and played each team twice this week. When a team was not playing, they were talking strategy with their team so they can succeed when they got on the court. I saw each team grow in their positive sportsmanship, teamwork, strategical planning, and their communication on the court. Their ability to apply the skills learned (bump, set, serve) in a game setting (NASPE Standard 2) challenged many of them. We even experienced some great positive combativeness at the end of the tournament. It was getting pretty loud in the gym!

Things to do/ask your child(ren) this weekend?

  • Play a game of volleyball with them and their friends.

  • Go watch a high school or recreational volleyball game and see if you can name the skills they perform. 

  • See if their are volleyball leagues around your neighborhood that you can join. 

Have a great weekend and keep moving!!!

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