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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 10

Wow! Last week was busy, but so much fun! Thank you for understanding why this post is a couple days old. I want to thank all of the families and students who were able to make it to the CHPCS Annual Sock-Hop! It was a great success and the students had so much fun showing off their class dance. It was a great competition. I will continue to take votes this week and announce the winning class next Monday. If you have not voted for a class, please send me an e-mail with your vote this week. Again, thank you for your continued support!

With the sock-hop, last week was a little different in PE. Instead of the normal ASAP, fitness component, and then skill component, we had to substitute the class dance for the ASAP and fitness component. This worked out because dancing got the student moving quickly, and it worked on many aspects of their overall fitness! The students had fun, I had fun, and I heard many stories of parents having fun learning the dances as well :). 


Along with the sock-hop dance, we continued to work on manipulating objects by introducing basketball skills. The students worked on dribbling a basketball with their left hand, right hand, and a "V" dribble. They did this while standing in one place, and while moving. They all did a great job. Some of them had to use a volleyball instead of the basketball due to the size of the basketballs. They really enjoyed ending the week with "Dribbling Sharks"!

Some things you can ask your child(ren):

  • What are the three cues to dribbling?

  • Have them show you their "triple threat stance". 

  • Have them show you their controlled dribble and try and take the ball from them.




The students had a blast learning their dances. This year I changed all the dances and made them new. Many of the classes noticed and were excited about that!

We started our Volleyball unit this week. This is a great unit because everyone is at the same level. We do not have too many volleyball players at our school. Each skill is challenging, fun, and something new. The students never put volleyball on their "best unit" wall, but once we start they all have a blast. 

We focussed on the "bump" and the "set" this week. They had some fun with challenges such as "partner volleyball" and "volleyball wall-ball". Next week we will introduce the serve and start playing some fun modified games!

Some things to ask/do with your child(ren):

  • Practice bumping a volleyball back and forth with them.

  • What are the cues to a bump?

  • What are the cues to a set?


Like all the other classes we had fun with our dances. These older students really have some great ideas on how to start and end a performance. I hope you all got to see all their ideas on stage. It was great to hear their ideas and see how enthusiastic they were when it came to performing. Stage fright is not too common amongst our Falcons!

We started our Volleyball unit this week. The students seem to not like the word "volleyball", but when we play, it really brings out the smiles. The students are challenged and they really enjoy learning new sports and activities. We do have some great volleyball players in the older grades that really like the chance to shine in their skills. This week we focused on the bump, set, and serve. We played some fun modified volleyball games that really got the students involved and participating! Next week we will focus on the rules to the game, continue to practice our skills, and get ready for our volleyball tournament.

Some things to ask/do with your child(ren):

  • See how many times they can keep a volleyball up by only using a bump and set. 

  • Test them on their bumping cues and setting cues. 

  • Have them practice their underhand serve. 


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