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Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 5

We made it through a pretty wet week. It looks like it is going to start raining, so make sure to bring your rain jackets, hats, gloves, water bottles, and rain shoes to PE each day. It is also a great idea to bring an extra pair of socks to school, just in case your shoes get extremely wet. You never know when we are going to go outside, and it is always good to be prepared!



The students are doing a great job with spacial awareness. We are having less bumps, slides, and tags when running in general space. They are becoming successful at moving around in many different areas, doing a variety of skills, and not contacting anyone else! This week we started working on moving in groups. We did activities such as "chase the dragons tail" and "loose caboose" that forced the students to move around the gym without bumping into another group, but also staying with their group. It was challenging at times! 

We also started doing relays. The students were extremely successful at correctly participating in a variety of relays. Teamwork, sportsmanship, and relay guidelines were all followed and the students had a great time!

Some questions/activities to ask your child(ren):

  • Have them show you some stretches.

  • Participate in a relay with them using some locomotor movements.

  • Why is stretching important?




The students are really working on improving their flying disc skills. I have seen so many great throws and catches. We practiced are skills in many games this week including "keep away", "500", and "partner catch". The students are showing their ability to successfully complete the 2nd NASPE Standard! We spent some time on Thursday going over the importance of stretching. Many of the students knew that it was important to do, but did not know all the reasons why it is such a great activity. Remind them that it prevents injuries from happening, gets your muscles ready to exercise, and it increases/maintains your Range Of Motion (ROM)! Yay for stretching!!!!

Some questions/activities to ask your child(ren):

  • Let them show you how to play 500.

  • Play keep away with them and a friend.

  • Ask them why stretching is so important.


Middle school was introduced to a variety of different activities this week to help them master their flying disc skills. We played "Frisbee Volleyball", "Frisbee Bocce", "Keep Away", "500", and "Ultimate Frisbee". They are all beginning to understand that this is a great life long skill to know and that it can be played in many different ways. We are constantly working on teamwork and sportsmanship in all the activities we do. One thing that we need to remember is that this is not "practice". This is P.E. and we are here to learn a variety of sports, games, exercises, dances, and much more. We have all ability levels and we need to work together to be successful in mastering the NASPE Standards. 

Next week the students will finish the Flying Disc unit with the Frisbee Triathlon! Let the games begin!!!!

 Some questions/activities to ask your child(ren)

  • Why is stretching so important?

  • Complete 75 catches in a row with a frisbee.

  • Can you throw or catch the frisbee under your leg?

Have a great weekend and remember to keep moving!!!!

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